Causes of Adenomyosis
The cause of adenomyosis aren't known. Some experts believe that adenomyosis results from the direct invasion of endometrial cells into the uterine walls. Sometimes an operation, such as a C-section (Caesarean section), can make this invasion of cells easier. Other experts speculate that adenomyosis originates within the uterine walls (myometrium) from endometrial tissue deposited there when the uterus was first forming in the female fetus.
Symptoms of Adenomyosis:
The main symptom of this disease is no menstrual periods. Other symptoms of Amenorrhoea are:
Excessive menstrual bleeding; heavy or prolonged.
Severe cramping or sharp, knife-like pain during menstruation (dysmenorrhea).
Menstrual cramps that last throughout your period and worsen as you get older.
Pain during intercourse.
Bleeding between periods.
Passing blood clots during your period.
Headache, discharge of milky nipple, hair loss, and increase in facial hair or vision changes.
Diagnosis and Tests of Adenomyosis:
Pelvic examination may reveal an enlarged, slightly softened uterus, a uterine mass, or uterine tenderness.
Treatment of Adenomyosis:
The treatment of Adenomyosis is the same as for endometriosis elsewhere in the pelvis, but unfortunately the response to hormones is generally not as good. For women who do not want more children, hysterectomy is usually the best solution. The best treatment of adenomyosis surgical removal of the entire uterus.
The treatment of Adenomyosis is the same as for endometriosis elsewhere in the pelvis, but unfortunately the response to hormones is generally not as good. For women who do not want more children, hysterectomy is usually the best solution. The best treatment of adenomyosis surgical removal of the entire uterus.
Other common treatment are as follows:
A hysterectomy may be necessary in women with severe symptoms who are not approaching menopause.
Containing progestin or a continuous-use birth control pill, often leads to amenorrhea - the absence of your menstrual periods - which may provide relief.
Oral contraceptives will be recommended by the doctor to treat the amenorrhoea.
If heavy bleeding rather than menstrual cramps is the main symptom of adenomyosis, then endometrial ablation should be considered as a treatment.
Prevention Tips of Adenomyosis
The best ways to prevent Adenomyosis are:
You should take more and more rest.
You should take balanced diet.
You should maintain health lifestyle.
You should decrease your stress level.
You should do daily exercise , agreeable, occupation.
Regular hours of eating and sleeping.